Looking for jilbab

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Nombre de vues : 438

Dernière visite le : 08/05 à 07:26

Référence : 173586

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93600 Aulnay sous bois

Annonce déposée

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Ya Salam aleykom warahmatuLlah. I'm looking for any jilbab for myself its can be new or used one. I wish to have a red dark or violet,or any other colors that you may have. I have axapted Islam AlhamduliLLAH . For the moment I'm in situation I can't afford to buy some clothes, or any another things. If you are selling for very chip price or you can give BismiLlah, Ill appreciate so much. Thanks you all for your time. May ALLAH SWA reward you for all your good deeds.Amin.Salam .

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